Sunday, December 26, 2010

Homeless at Christmas

The Video link enclosed was sent to me by my friend in Ireland, Gregg Kelly, a young man who is involved in many public advocacy's for the homeless and equality for gays among other things. I have a lot of admiration for this young man who is only 19, yet is involved in politics and fighting for the rights of others instead of sitting around and complaining about what he doesn't have. You can follow him on his FB page.

Homeless At Christmas/Jerome Hughes
His message to me parallels much of the same struggles we are facing here in the US with gay rights, politics and homelessness. Much of gay rights and the homeless involve the stigma associated with each group. Watching this video clip produced by Ireland's TV3 reporter Jerome Hughes was like watching the same thing here in America, the land of the American Dream. It's sickening to think of the disparity between classes and how people treat each other based upon how they look or act, as in the case with this clip. 

As Gregg says:
     "There has been momentous social change here in Ireland over the past few years but there is still a lot to do !!!...A Civil Partnership Bill was passed giving legal recognition to same-sex couples which is a step in the right direction but still not full equality yet !!!... However, there is still a lot of inequality ! :-(...The most vulnerable in our society are being hit with the most savage of cuts, while people remain homeless on the side of the street in the freezing cold at Christmas ! :(...The greedy in Ireland are getting away scott-free and the minimum wage has been cut, again affecting the most vulnerable in our society !"

Hang in there Gregg, you might see the time come when your dreams come true!
PS: He's a cutie too!

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