Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Anti-gay Twitter users mock Stuart Walker’s death - PinkNews.co.uk

I know how frustrating it can be to read about this sort of thing, but there's that old 'Freedom of Speech' thing to contend with. But actually posting tweets and comments such as this tweet, "Another user, @Realist_Eman, wrote: 'Lool a gay Man called Stuart Walker got killed for being gay, that will teach people not to be gay.'," can really make the hairs rise on one's neck. Where do people get this crap from?

I firmly believe that people are entitled to speak their minds, but there has to be some line that can be crossed when those comments physically or emotionally affect others' lives. How or when that line is crossed is pretty grey in a homophobic society that encourages bullying in so many ways. Politicians bully, companies,leaders,schools,parents and students all bully to great extent. But at some point society has to say, as it is lately, that it's not right and you will be held accountable for your actions. However, therein lies the big problem. How can you hold people, like the ones who made comments such as these in this article, accountable for cyberbullying and causing emotional abuse on a family in grief when society supports that bullying? People are dying, are emotionally scarred for life, and some end up taking their own lives because of the stress and feeling that they are alone in their depression and humiliation.

The time has come to put an emphatic end to this attack. But the obvious question remains...how? At any rate, tweet this: "Rest in peace Stuart Walker; we're so sorry."

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